In the quest for a greener planet, a superhero has emerged from the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). With its lightning-fast cognitive abilities, this caped crusader is changing the world of waste management. Yes, you heard it right! AI has found a new mission: recognising recycling and helping us sort through the chaos of our rubbish.
What is AI Waste Management?
According to the world bank, 2.24 billion tonnes of waste was produced in 2020 and the figure is likely to rise by 73% by 2050. However, AI has presented itself as a promising light in helping us tackle this issue. AI waste management simply refers to the use of artificial intelligence in relation to waste management.
For example, smart rubbish bins can be used to notify waste management companies when bins are full. This not only means that collection routes can be optimised where labour and fuel are saved.
Greyparrot Saving the Day
Greyparrot is a UK start-up that has specialised in creating an AI system which is designed to analyse waste processing and recycling facilities.
“In a single day you will have literally mountains of waste in one facility coming through, and what’s very shocking and surprising is that it never stops. There are no holidays for waste, it just keeps coming”. – Mikela Druckman, founder of Greyparrot.
In terms of operation, Greyparrot uses AI cameras to analyse what passes as recycling in real time. These cameras are placed above the conveyor belts of around 50 waste and recycling sites in Europe. Since its start-up, Greyparrot now tracks 32 billion waste objects each year. The company has also built a digital map of waste which can be used by waste managers to operate more efficiently.
How Can AI Help the Environment?
Some would say the potential of AI on the environment is largely overlooked. When waste is placed in the wrong recycling bins, it adds an additional burden of separating the rubbish. Adding to the excessive cost and time of waste management. In terms of helping the environment, AI cameras and potentially robots can work for long periods of time, separating the waste into the correct sections. Naturally, this increases the economic cases for waste facilities and in turn, potentially reduces the amount of waste being sent to landfills.
So, the next time you toss a plastic bottle into a recycling bin, remember the AI superheroes working tirelessly behind the scenes. They are the unseen guardians of our environment, transforming waste management into a captivating tale of innovation and hope.
Source: The AI Trained to Recognise Waste for Recycling
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